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Ashihara karate employs scientific logic, based on a natural rationality and the exclusion of all unnecessary things. Traditional karate has put too much emphasis on either light techniques or solely on strength. In the society of today a more realistic form of karate is needed, one where speed, strength, wits and strategies all are included.
Ashihara karate also tries to provide the students with a safe environment for development. If this is to be obtained one must offer a place where students can enjoy practice and improve their techniques without getting injured. Ashihara karate has fulfilled, and continously tries to fulfill, this requirement. It supplies the equivalent of a true battlefield. In short, it is the most realistic karate – it teaches the student how to avoid getting hit by the opponent, as well as how to control and restrict him in an even more advantageous and effective manner.
Ashihara karate strives to create flexible instructors. When you train there are different ways of doing this depending on your age and physical condition. Not all practitioners will become professionals, thus it is important that teachers never can forget to be flexible.
Ashihara karate is supposed to be fun! It is supposed to give the student an urge to become even better, even stronger, and even smarter. In order to keep up that line of thinking we must strive to keep practice fun so that even though the students hit a wall and feel unable to go on, they still strive to overcome that obstacle and become better. Don't be satisfied with the present condition, but harbour the desire to seek out on even more logical and realistic karate; always advance a step further.
This is the sum of what Ashihara has to tell.
"My karate is not armchair karate, nor does it consist of absurd movements that no one else can master. The movements I have developed are based on basic body movements, which any man or woman can perform."
Hideyuki Ashihara